Friday, June 29, 2007


PPC (Pay-Per-Click) & CPC (Cost-Per-Click) programs that allow you to generate extra bucks from your webpage or blog (best of all, FREE for register to the programs mostly), these incomes are Passive Income. As mentioned by Robert Kiyosaki (Author of ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’), Passive Income is considered the best kind of income to have, i.e. you get those incomes without (or with very minimal) working effort on it. Sounds great but don’t know what’s it like? An example would be, imagine you are a landlord of 5 houses which you rent them out to others, every periodical of time (weekly or monthly) you just go and collect rentals from these people – I bet you would be smiling with $$ rolling in your pocket. Passive Income that is.

How your grab these incomes from internet? See the ads. at the right hand side & bottom of my blog page (, these are my PPC/CPC ads. Do me a favour, click on them and have a look for a few minutes. is famous in Malaysia & Singapore, register & start putting their ads. in your webpage or blog.

Another big player of this program would be by Google. No harm to have a good look at that, in fact is famous worldwide.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s start your engine…move it now…and get your wonderful Passive Income. Good Luck.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Malaysia & Singapore Ways of Internet Income!

There, a short cut & easy way to get income from internet.
This guy called Jason Tan, what a genius. He actually reviewed some tip-top ways/short cuts of get income from internet.
He mentioned about email marketing, virtual offices, getting traffic to sites and a lots more (in details some more!!), which I think most of us already know the methods there, but we actually didn't realize that it is so easy applying it to the real world, until I've read the secret.

Click Here to see it.....ONLYINMALAYSIAMAH.COM

I am starting to get "INPUTS" from the net about you?

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Surf and Earn with AGLOCO!

First of all, I would like to introduce AGLOCO to all of you.
Surf the net as usual, and at the same time earn from AGLOCO -Viewbar
( Ready for Downloads)

Click Here To Go....


Thanks for visiting my blog.
With my blog, I will guide you how to be success online with at least financial freedom! (coming soon).

Look forward to see you again. Thank you.